Mechanical Fire dampers
Brand: Bullock MFG

Model 5691 Ceiling Damper

Product description

CEILING RADIATION / FIRE DAMPERS as described are installed to protect the penetrations in the ceiling membrane portions of Fire rated Floor/Ceiling or Roof / Ceiling assemblies, as a shield against fire and heat radiation

The Model 5691 Ceiling Radiation / Fire Damper is test proven for 2 hours in a 120/120/120 Boral Fire Rated Ceiling system, and certified for 1 and 1½ hour ceiling systems. The damper capabilities MUST cover three important areas, Flame, Heat and Smoke:

a) STOP FLAMES and combustible materials from entering the duct above, and spreading throughout the building
b) REDUCE RADIANT HEAT which could ignite materials above the fire rated ceiling, and
c) REDUCE the transfer of SMOKE and dangerous HOT GASES from the fire zone to the non-fire zone


  • Australian certified to AS1530.4-1997 by the C.S.I.R.O. – Test #FS3033/1516
  • Optional Airflow tested by the C.S.I.R.O. for blade closure in excess of 18m/s – Test #FS3099/1961 Letter of opinion for 1 hour and 1.5 hour installations. -#FCO-1601
  • All galvanised steel construction
  • Structurally strong ‘C’ shaped centre pivot
  • Incorporates a high yield 2mm stainless steel spring(s)
  • Single (UL33 rated) fusible link located for quick response to temperature rise
  • Heat resistant 13mm high density ceramic fibre board blade insulation
  • Readily available square and rectangular sizes from 150mm x 150mm up to 600mm x 600mm
  • 4 Corner blade locking complying with AS682.1-1990, Section 3.4

Typical specification

Openings in Ceilings required to have a FRL, shall be protected by a BULLOCK MODEL 5691 CEILING RADIATION/FIRE DAMPER or approved equivalent

The dampers shall be provided where shown on drawings and wherever required to meet local regulations and MUST comply with AS1682.1-1990, AS1668.1-1998 section 3.5

Dampers shall be mounted in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions, to comply with the Certificates of test furnished by the manufacturer

The damper construction must be in compliance with the tested prototype containing features as: High yield stainless steel spring(s), four corner blade locking for positive closure to achieve low air/smoke leakage. Dampers installed in return air or exhaust applications must be capable of operation, at airflow rates in excess of the actual design application. (NOTE: Model 5691 dampers have a certified closure rating of 18m/s). Radiant metal duct surface temperature directly above the damper to below 150°C after 120 mins exposure. Blades must easily be reset from the underside for testing and maintenance in accordance with AS1851.6-1997


Compliance with installation instructions is critical. Refer to separate instructions for specific PLASTERBOARD fire rated ceiling system used.


This model requires little maintenance once installed. Refer to AS1851.6-1990 for detailed servicing procedures.